In the aftermath of a devastating flood, Habiba Sabdow found herself grappling with the loss of her home and livelihood. As a single mother of six, the floodwaters had rendered her community inaccessible, leaving them stranded without essential supplies. However, amidst this turmoil, a glimmer of hope emerged when HIRDA organization in support with UNICEF extended a helping hand by donating a sturdy boat to aid the affected families.

This boat became Habiba’s beacon of resilience and empowerment. With determination and resourcefulness, she transformed this vessel into a lifeline for her community. As the floodwaters receded, Habiba’s dedication continued to uplift her community. She repurposed the boat, establishing a small-scale transportation service that connected isolated areas, facilitating access to critical resources and aiding in the community’s recovery. Her initiative not only restored hope but also served as a catalyst for rebuilding their lives.