In the aftermath of a devastating flood, Habiba Sabdow found herself grappling with the loss of her home and livelihood. As a single mother of six, the floodwaters had rendered her community inaccessible, leaving them stranded without essential supplies. However,…
HIRDA, a leading humanitarian force in Somalia for over two decades, is dedicated to alleviating suffering and fostering sustainable development. In response to the recent floods, the organization has mobilized its resources and expertise to mount a comprehensive crisis response.…
HIRDA Somalia, Unicef, and WASH Cluster Distribute Hygiene Supplies in Bardhere Town In a collaborative effort, HIRDA Somalia, Unicef, and WASH Cluster joined forces to distribute essential hygiene supplies in Bardhere town, focusing on emergency areas affected by the Elino…
Mogadishu, Somalia – November 27, 2023 HIRDA, a humanitarian organization in partnership with UNICEF, delivered a new boat to the flood-affected Burdhubo district in the Gedo Region. The boat, with a capacity for 40 people and one ton of food,…
On the evening of October 13, 2023, Bardera was beset by moderate rainfall. The skies, heavy with cumulonimbus clouds and punctuated by distant thunder, forewarned of the impending deluge. Over the subsequent five nights, relentless heavy rains led to the…
Background & Introduction of the Global Handwashing Day. The Global Handwashing Day is an annual global advocacy day dedicated to increase awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap as an easy, effective, and affordable way to prevent…
Intergrated Health and Nutrition (OTP) project in Beled hawa, Gedo
Somali children face many challenges in pursuit of education. Some of these include poverty, overcrowded classes, security and inequitable access to education. Covid-19 has further exposed and increased the vulnerability of the Somali Children. To help mitigate the adverse effects…
Implementation of nutrition programme during the COVID 19 pandemic HIRDA MCHN in Belethawa district. Mothers MUAC led sessions at HIRDA MCHN, distribution of MCHN monthly rations activities in lining with the COVID 19 protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic in Belethawa…
There were 49 students of which 18 are girls and 31 boys who set for the examination, because of the hard work from entire education staff in Bardhere district, the student performed well in the examination and emerged to appear…
Recent Posts
- Habibo Sabdow- Success Story (Dec 2023) Luuq District- Gedo Somalia
- HIRDA’s Response to the Flood Crisis
- Hygiene supplies distributed Bardhere town for Elino emergency areas
- Boat Distribution in Burdhubo District for Elino Emergency Response
- Response to HIRDA’s Efforts in Addressing Bardheere’s district of Gedo region El Niño Floods
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