In the aftermath of a devastating flood, Habiba Sabdow found herself grappling…

Cold chain supporting EPI campaign

Healthcare for Mothers and Children

Himilo Relief and Development Association (HIRDA) is an independent non-profit organisation founded in Somalia in 1998 with the focus of empowering and uplifting local communities in the Horn of Africa impacted by the consequences of conflict, shocks, chronic poverty and diseases. Our name uses the Somali word ‘himilo’ meaning ‘vision’ to free Somalia from hunger, disease, illiteracy and poverty.
HIRDA was developed in partnership with HIRDA Netherlands and Somali diaspora communities during the height of a challenging time in Somalia’s history. Our mandate as an independent organisation is to combat the consequences of the conflict and political instability, enhanced by the threats of climate change, COVID-19, and ongoing poverty in local communities.
Transparency and accountability are encompassed in our core values are hallmarks of our programs and operations, and HIRDA has worked with independent auditors since its inception. Apart from audits, HIRDA-Somalia has also passed various capacity assessments of its processes and systems intended for profiling, pre-awards, and micro- assessments.
HIRDA is keen on continuous systems strengthening to ensure that all operations are above board, respond to emerging development, and meet the accountability demands of donors, authorities, and other stakeholders.
Trained and supported 75 male and 23 female teachers to offer emergency education
Immunized 24,315 children under 5 and 6326 children under 1 year and 6913 pregnant women under HIRDA supported cold-chain.
Provided nutritional treatment and live-saving nutrition interventions for 5500 children in 12 OTP sites and 15 supplementary feeding centers.
Distributed over 3.3 Million insecticidal bednets to 145, 574 households, benefitting 1,038,838 people.